Figure 5.
Like L44, Q45 enhances R388 mutant effects in trans. (A) Expression of the Q45 mutation alone in spastin null flies (HQ45,Ø) rescues eclosion to the same level as HWT (P > 0.2). In contrast, ∼40% fewer HQ45,HR388 compound heterozygotes eclose compared with HWT,HR388 single mutants, although for the numbers tested this effect did not achieve a P-value of <0.05 (P = 0.06). Q45 may therefore be a weaker intragenic modifier of catalytic mutations compared with L44. (B, C) Bouton number in HQ45,HR388 compound heterozygotes is increased, similar to nulls (P > 0.07), and significantly greater than in single heterozygotes (HWT,HR388 or HQ45,Ø; P < 0.03). Expression of the HQ45 mutation alone in the null background restores bouton number and microtubule distribution to near wild-type levels. Arrows in (C) denote examples of terminal boutons.