Figure 1.
Histopathological analysis of individual prostate lobes from CP9-infected mice at five, 10, and 14 days postinoculation. A–C: Anterior prostate (AP). A: Day five AP showing heavily infiltrated glandular lumen and a multilayered ductal epithelium. Note the complete loss of papillary infoldings within the ductal epithelium. B: Day 10 AP exhibiting hyperchromatic and multilayered epithelium. Note the marked fibrosis within the stromal layer. C: Day 14 AP with a thickened fibromuscular sheath surrounding a recovered duct. Note the newly generated cribriform architecture. D–F: Dorsal prostate (DP). Note the juxtaposition of inflamed and noninflamed ducts in all three panels. D: Day five DP. E: Day 10 DP with a slightly disorganized multilayered epithelium. F: Day 14 DP exhibiting severe glandular and periglandular inflammation. Note the distended duct and hyperchromatic nuclear appearance. G–I: Lateral prostate (LP). G: Day five LP with no apparent inflammation. A few mononuclear inflammatory cells appear in stroma and around the blood capillary. H: Day 10 LP exhibiting an involved duct with mild glandular infiltrate and extensive epithelial multilayering. Note the markedly thickened stromal layer. I: Day 14 LP. Note the slightly thickened stroma and the scattered inflammatory infiltrate in the absence of any apparent glandular inflammation. J–L: Ventral prostate (VP). J: Day five VP. K: Day 10 VP exhibiting dense periglandular infiltrate with disorganized and multilayered ductal epithelia. L: Day 14 VP. Note the increase in newly formed stromal capillaries. Original magnifications: ×400 (A–E, G–L); ×100 (F). H&E staining.