Systemic posttraining corticosterone enhances the retention of object recognition and object location memory. a, On the 3 min training trial, rats were allowed to freely explore two identical objects placed in the corners of a novel environment followed immediately by a systemic injection of either vehicle or corticosterone (1 mg/kg, s.c.). Retention of the training was tested 24 h later by placing the rat in the same apparatus either with one object replaced by a novel object placed in the same location as objects during training (ORM) or by moving one familiar object to a novel location (OLM). b, Systemic injection of corticosterone (1 mg/kg, s.c.) enhances 24 h retention of both ORM and OLM. Data represent discrimination index (percentage), expressed as mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05 compared with the corresponding vehicle control group (n = 8–11 per group).