Anillin is required for tight association of myosin II with the cleavage furrow. Fluorescence micrograph (A) and corresponding graph (B) of a dividing spermatocyte, expressing Sqh-GFP and dsRNA directed against anillin, examined for FRAP. (A) Micrograph showing cell before bleaching, immediately after bleaching, and during recovery. The bleached area is shown (box with dotted lines). Times are in minutes:seconds. (B) Graph showing recovery of fluorescence in bleached area versus control (unbleached). Fluorescence intensity is indicated relative to starting intensity, which was set at 1. (A and B) Fluorescence intensity increases and decreases in both bleached and unbleached areas as Sqh-GFP flows in and out of the furrow region. Time is in seconds. Bar, 10 μm.