Figure 4.
Characterizations on yellow emitting GS-AuNPs (YGS-AuNPs). (a) TEM image of YGS-AuNPs showing the particle size is around 2.1±0.4 nm. Inset: pictures of YGS-AuNPs aqueous solution taken without and with excitation of a handheld long-wave UV lamp (365 nm). (b) Size distribution of YGS-AuNPs measured using DLS showing that the hydrodynamic diameter (HD) of the NPs in the solution is around 2.6 ± 0.3 nm. (c) Excitation and emission maxima of YGS-AuNPs located at 415 and 545nm respectively. (d) The luminescence lifetimes on YGS-AuNPs at 420 nm excitation are 2.77(78%)/0.70(22%)µs. (e) The luminescence lifetimes on YGS-AuNPs at 530 nm excitation are 4.4(72%)/57.7(28%)ns. (f) Au 4f7/2 BE of YGS-AuNPs and reduced YGS-AuNPs were measured to be 84.3 eV. After deconvolution of the BE peak of YGS-AuNPs, two peaks at 83.9 and 84.8eV were found, which were assigned to Au(0) and Au(I) respectively.