Fig. 5. STAT3Hep−/− mice are more susceptible to liver necrosis/apoptosis, but resistant to inflammation induced by CCl4.
Mice were injected with CCl4 and then sacrificed 12 h and 24 h post injection. A. Serum ALT levels. B. Liver tissues collected for H&E staining and Tunnel staining to determine hepatocyte apoptosis (magnification X200). C. Necrotic area and Tunnel+ hepatocytes in panel B were quantified. D. Hepatic GSH levels. E, F. Liver tissues were collected for real-time PCR analyses for MPO, CCR2, and F4/80 expression. Values represent means±SD (n=5–6 in each group). *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 in comparison with corresponding WT littermate groups.