Table 1.
Summary of Tyr- and Trp-containing-peptides identified in the chymotryptic maps of native and nitroxide-modified Mb.
Peaka | Elution Time (min) | Peptideb | Amino acid sequence | Trp and Tyrc | Observedd (m/z) | Calculatedd (m/z) | Change in concentratione (%) |
1 | 28.61 | Y10 | Arg139-Tyr146 | Tyr146 | 950.44 (+1) | 950.51 (+1) | (+)1.62 ± 0.05 |
2 | 32.94 | Y2* | Asn12-Trp14 | Trp14 | 418.18 (+1) | 418.20 (+1) | (+)2.8 ± 1.4 |
3 | 33.48 | Y6* | Lys96-Tyr103 | Tyr103 | 513.70 (+2) | 513.83 (+2) | (−) 3.2 ± 5.4f |
4 | 33.79 | Y6* | His97-Tyr103 | Tyr103 | 449.75 (+2) | 449.78 (+2) | (−) 3.2 ± 5.4f |
5 | 34.84 | Y6* | Lys98-Tyr103 | Tyr103 | 381.17 (+2) | 381.25 (+2) | (−) 3.2 ± 5.4f |
6 | 37.09 | Y1 | Gly1-Trp7 | Trp7 | 763.30 (+1) | 763.32 (+1) | (−) 48.8 ± 0.1 |
7 | 37.76 | Y1** | Gly1-Trp7 | Trp7 | 762.27 (+1) | 763.32 (+1) | (+) 46.8 ± 0.1g |
Peak numbers are assigned in the order of retention time as shown in Fig. 3.
Peptides are labeled Yx according to the expected chymotrypsin cleavage sites (C-terminal to F, Y and W residues); *, non-specific site of cleavage at the N-terminus; **, peptide Y1 modified at the N-terminus.
Trp and Tyr residues present in the chymotryptic peptides.
Observed and calculated m/z values: (+1), +1 ions; (+2), +2 ions.
Changes in concentrations are for nitroxide-modified Mb relative to untreated samples as estimated from the HPLC peak areas at 280 nm. Seven peaks eluting between 40 and 60 min and absorbing at 214 nm were chosen as the internal standards. Values are mean ± S.D. (n = 3).
Changes in concentrations are for all Tyr-103-containing peptides (e.g. sum of peaks 3, 4 and 5) assuming similar extinction coefficients.
The % gain of peak 7 was calculated relative to that of peak 6 in untreated samples assuming similar extinction coefficients.