F, M |
Fixed image F, moving image M. |
Σ |
Typically a diagonal matrix that models variability of feature values at a particular vertex. |
σx, σT |
Parameters of Demons cost function in Eq. (3). |
Γ, ϒ |
Transformations from S2 to S2. Γ is the transformation we are seeking. ϒ is the smooth hidden transformation close to Γ. |
Γ⃗ ≜ {Γ⃗n}, ϒ⃗ ≜ {ϒ⃗n} |
Discrete tangent vector representation of the deformations (see Fig. 1 and Eq. (5)). For example, given the tangent vector Γ⃗n at xn ∈ S2, one can compute Γ(xn). |
υ⃗ ≜ {υ⃗n} |
We parameterize diffeomorphic transformations from S2 to S2 by a composition of diffeomorphisms, each parameterized by a stationary velocity field υ⃗. υ⃗n is the velocity vector at xn. |
u(·) ≜ exp(υ⃗)(·) |
The diffeomorphism parameterized by the stationary velocity field υ⃗ is the solution of a stationary ODE at time 1. |
En ≜ [e⃗n1
e⃗n2] |
e⃗n1 and e⃗n2 are orthonormal vectors tangent to the sphere at xn
Coordinate chart defined in Eq.(10):
. Ψn is a diffeomorphism between ℝ2 and a hemisphere centered at xn ∈ S2. |
z⃗n |
z⃗n is an arbitrary tangent vector at the origin of ℝ2. At xn, the velocity vector υ⃗n = Enz⃗n via the coordinate chart Ψn (see Eq. (14)). |