Table 4.
Item parameter estimates and tests for differential item functioning: Negative Temperament (28 items)
Item | χ2(5) | p | pBH | a (SE) | τ (SE) |
301. Sometimes I feel “on edge” all day. | 39.57 | <.0001 | <.0001 | 1.92 (.11) | ◆0.63 (.11) |
316. I worry about terrible things that might happen. | 27.73 | <.0001 | .0004 | 1.55 (.09) | ◆0.66 (.10) |
323. I have days that I’m very irritable. | 27.09 | .0001 | .0004 | 1.15 (.08) | ◆−1.15 (.09) |
252. My anger frequently gets the better of me. | 26.47 | .0001 | .0004 | 1.58 (.13) | ◆3.30 (.18) |
325. Often life feels like a big struggle. | 21.78 | .0006 | .0023 | 1.60 (.09) | ◆0.12 (.09) |
260. Sometimes I suddenly feel scared for no good reason. | 20.94 | .0008 | .0028 | 1.98 (.15) | ◆3.44 (.20) |
245. My mood sometimes changes (for example, from happy to sad, or vice versa) without good reason. | 18.76 | .0021 | .0061 | 1.66 (.10) | ◆1.46 (.11) |
290. I am sometimes troubled by thoughts or ideas that I can’t get out of my mind. | 16.31 | .0060 | .0151 | 1.68 (.09) | ◆0.26 (.10) |
250. I frequently find myself worrying about things. | 14.52 | .0127 | .0277 | 1.96 (.11) | ◆−0.18 (.11) |
320. I worry too much about things that don’t really matter. | 14.30 | .0138 | .0277 | 1.94 (.11) | ◆1.22 (.12) |
331. Things seem to bother me less than most other people. (R) | 12.66 | .0268 | .0487 | 0.56 (.06) | 0.68 (.05) |
244. I sometimes get too upset by minor setbacks. | 10.61 | .0567 | .0817 | 1.55 (.09) | 0.28 (.08) |
259. Little things upset me too much. | 10.56 | .0608 | .0817 | 2.03 (.12) | 1.46 (.11) |
274. I often take my anger out on those around me. | 10.56 | .0608 | .0817 | 1.32 (.10) | 2.42 (.11) |
312. I seem to be able to remain calm in almost any situation. (R) | 10.43 | .0640 | .0817 | 0.95 (.08) | 1.92 (.08) |
273. I can get very upset when little things don’t go my way. | 10.37 | .0653 | .0817 | 1.75 (.11) | 1.82 (.10) |
333. I sometimes feel angry for no good reason. | 7.79 | .1684 | .1981 | 2.10 (.13) | 2.39 (.14) |
248. I often feel nervous and “stressed.” | 6.53 | .2578 | .2864 | 2.11 (.12) | 1.06 (.10) |
281. I often worry about things I have done or said. | 5.48 | .3604 | .3793 | 1.50 (.09) | −0.90 (.08) |
269. I am often nervous for no reason. | 4.09 | .5369 | .5369 | 2.42 (.16) | 3.14 (.17) |
241. I often have strong feelings such as anxiety or anger without really knowing why. | - | - | - | 1.92 (.11) | 1.80 (.11) |
264. I sometimes get all worked up as I think about things that happened during the day. | - | - | - | 1.53 (.08) | 0.12 (.08) |
277. I would describe myself as a tense person. | - | - | - | 1.64 (.10) | 1.85 (.10) |
288. Sometimes life seems pretty confusing to me. | - | - | - | 1.30 (.08) | −0.66 (.07) |
294. I often have trouble sleeping because of my worries. | - | - | - | 1.86 (.11) | 2.12 (.12) |
298. I don’t get very upset when things go wrong. (R) | - | - | - | 1.01 (.07) | 0.51 (.06) |
309. Small annoyances often irritate me. | - | - | - | 1.23 (.07) | −0.17 (.07) |
311. I am often troubled by guilt feelings. | - | - | - | 1.41 (.09) | 1.66 (.09) |
(R) = reverse scored; pBH = adjusted to control the false discovery rate using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure; α=.05; a = estimated discrimination; τ = estimated threshold;
applies to white males only;—item was in DIF-free subset.