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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2010 May 3.
Published in final edited form as: J Psychopathol Behav Assess. 2009;31(4):320–330. doi: 10.1007/s10862-008-9118-9

Table 4.

Item parameter estimates and tests for differential item functioning: Negative Temperament (28 items)

Item χ2(5) p pBH a (SE) τ (SE)
301. Sometimes I feel “on edge” all day. 39.57 <.0001 <.0001 1.92 (.11) 0.63 (.11)
316. I worry about terrible things that might happen. 27.73 <.0001 .0004 1.55 (.09) 0.66 (.10)
323. I have days that I’m very irritable. 27.09 .0001 .0004 1.15 (.08) −1.15 (.09)
252. My anger frequently gets the better of me. 26.47 .0001 .0004 1.58 (.13) 3.30 (.18)
325. Often life feels like a big struggle. 21.78 .0006 .0023 1.60 (.09) 0.12 (.09)
260. Sometimes I suddenly feel scared for no good reason. 20.94 .0008 .0028 1.98 (.15) 3.44 (.20)
245. My mood sometimes changes (for example, from happy to sad, or vice versa) without good reason. 18.76 .0021 .0061 1.66 (.10) 1.46 (.11)
290. I am sometimes troubled by thoughts or ideas that I can’t get out of my mind. 16.31 .0060 .0151 1.68 (.09) 0.26 (.10)
250. I frequently find myself worrying about things. 14.52 .0127 .0277 1.96 (.11) −0.18 (.11)
320. I worry too much about things that don’t really matter. 14.30 .0138 .0277 1.94 (.11) 1.22 (.12)
331. Things seem to bother me less than most other people. (R) 12.66 .0268 .0487 0.56 (.06) 0.68 (.05)
244. I sometimes get too upset by minor setbacks. 10.61 .0567 .0817 1.55 (.09) 0.28 (.08)
259. Little things upset me too much. 10.56 .0608 .0817 2.03 (.12) 1.46 (.11)
274. I often take my anger out on those around me. 10.56 .0608 .0817 1.32 (.10) 2.42 (.11)
312. I seem to be able to remain calm in almost any situation. (R) 10.43 .0640 .0817 0.95 (.08) 1.92 (.08)
273. I can get very upset when little things don’t go my way. 10.37 .0653 .0817 1.75 (.11) 1.82 (.10)
333. I sometimes feel angry for no good reason. 7.79 .1684 .1981 2.10 (.13) 2.39 (.14)
248. I often feel nervous and “stressed.” 6.53 .2578 .2864 2.11 (.12) 1.06 (.10)
281. I often worry about things I have done or said. 5.48 .3604 .3793 1.50 (.09) −0.90 (.08)
269. I am often nervous for no reason. 4.09 .5369 .5369 2.42 (.16) 3.14 (.17)
241. I often have strong feelings such as anxiety or anger without really knowing why. - - - 1.92 (.11) 1.80 (.11)
264. I sometimes get all worked up as I think about things that happened during the day. - - - 1.53 (.08) 0.12 (.08)
277. I would describe myself as a tense person. - - - 1.64 (.10) 1.85 (.10)
288. Sometimes life seems pretty confusing to me. - - - 1.30 (.08) −0.66 (.07)
294. I often have trouble sleeping because of my worries. - - - 1.86 (.11) 2.12 (.12)
298. I don’t get very upset when things go wrong. (R) - - - 1.01 (.07) 0.51 (.06)
309. Small annoyances often irritate me. - - - 1.23 (.07) −0.17 (.07)
311. I am often troubled by guilt feelings. - - - 1.41 (.09) 1.66 (.09)

(R) = reverse scored; pBH = adjusted to control the false discovery rate using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure; α=.05; a = estimated discrimination; τ = estimated threshold;

applies to white males only;—item was in DIF-free subset.