Frontal sections of adult WT (A–C) and Adamts9+/LacZ heterozygous hearts (B, C, E, F, H, I) containing abnormal, myxomatous mitral valves. Movat pentachrome stain shows an increase in proteoglycan staining (blue) in an example of an Adamts9+/LacZ heterozygous mouse heart (B). Additional examples of Adamts9+/LacZ heterozygous hearts with large and irregularly shaped mitral valves (C, E). Sections of WT (D) and Adamts9+/LacZ heterozygous hearts (E, F) were immunostained with the αGAGβ antibody for intact versican. IgG antibody control is presented in the inset of E. Black box in A denotes a sister section in D immunostained with αGAGβ antibody. The Green box in F is stained for αGAGβ antibody in F. The N-terminal ADAMTS versican cleavage fragment is localized (G, H) using the αDPEAAE antibody that immunolocalizes the neo-epitope of versican after ADAMTS cleavage (G box and arrow). The box in G is shown in higher magnification in the inset. Magnification bars: A = 475μm applies to B; C = 200μm; D = 150μm and applies to E–I. Inset in G = 10μm.