Effect of WDFY2 depletion on the dynamics of Akt substrate phosphorylation. A and B, 3T3-L1 adipocytes transfected with Scr, Akt2 (A), or WDFY2 (B) siRNA on day 5 of differentiation were serum-starved and stimulated on day 7 with 10 nm insulin (Ins) for 0, 5, 15, 30, 45, or 75 min prior to lysis (n = 3, representative blot). Immunoblots were probed with pAkt(473), Akt2, or PAS antibodies. C–H, densitometric quantification of pAkt(473) (C) and bands I–V (D–H) in Scr versus Akt2 or WDFY2 immunoblots.