Mapping of AC N termini binding domains on AKAP79. A, GST-tagged AC N termini were screened for interactions with AKAP79 by GST pulldown using HEK293 cell lysates expressing AKAP79. AKAP79 bound the N termini of AC5, -6, and -9 but not AC2 or -3. B, schematic diagram of AKAP79 and deletion constructs used in panels C and D. Dotted lines indicate the interaction domain for AC5-NT. C, GST pulldown assay was performed using GST or GST-AC5-NT incubated with HEK293 cell lysates expressing vector or AKAP79 Myc-tagged fragments. D, purified AKAP79 S-tagged fragments 77–153 and 109–290 were pulled down with GST, GST-AC5-NT, or GST-AC5Δ60-NT. S-tag Western blot shows direct binding of AC5-NT with AKAP7977–153.