Figure 2.
HSCCC chromatogram of the crude extract of R. Phytolaccae. Peak 1, compound 1; peak 2, compound 2; peak 3, compound 3; peak 4, compound 4. Experimental conditions: two-phase solvent system: chloroform-methanol-water (4:4:2, v/v/v); stationary phase: upper phase; mobile phase: lower phase; flow-rate:1.5 mL/min; revolution speed: 800 rpm; ELSD conditions: drift tube temperature, 40°C; gas flow, 2.8 L/min; impactor, off; sample size, 120 mg of crude extract dissolved in 8 ml of a mixture of upper and lower phases (1:1, v/v) of the solvent system used for HSCCC.