Effects of Bug22p depletion on ciliary beating viewed by high-speed video microscopy. (A and B) Images of control Nd7p- and Bug22p-depleted cells, respectively, captured from high-speed video microscopy movies (see Videos S1 and S2 in the supplemental material) showing the ciliary beating, on which are superimposed the representation of a single cilium (in red) plus the representation of the same cilium in the 8 adjacent frames (blue), representing one power stroke in the control (25 ms) and erratic beating in the Bug22p-depleted cell. (C to F) Quantization of four parameters manually extracted from the movies on 14 beating cilia for BUG22 RNAi and 12 cilia for the control, with standard deviations. (C) Frequency of beating. (D) Angle between extreme positions taken by beating cilia. (E) Length of the trajectory of the tips of beating cilia. (F) Triangular surface swept by beating cilia. Bug22p depletion increased the frequency but decreased all the other parameters.