FIG. 1.
Construction and characterization of recombinant VSVs expressing an H5 HA gene from the first genomic position of VSV. (A) Schematic diagram of the rVSV genomes showing the insertion of the HK/156 H5 HA gene (H5) into the first genomic position upstream of the VSV N gene in a recombinant wild-type (rWT) background [Indiana strain; VSV-H5(1)] or a rWT background where the G gene was replaced with the G gene from another VSV serotype [New Jersey (NJ); VSV-NJG-H5(1)]. The numbers in parentheses indicate the VSV genomic position at which the H5 HA gene is inserted. (B) Western blot analysis of whole-cell extracts from cells mock infected or infected with virus using a polyclonal antibody to the HK/156 H5 HA. The cells were mock infected or infected with the following viruses: rVSV (Indiana) (WT); first position vectors VSV-H5(1) [H5(1)] and VSV-NJG-H5(1) [NJG-H5(1)]; and fifth position vectors VSV-H5 HA [H5(5)] and VSV-NJG-H5 HA [NJG-H5(5)] (38). The full-length HA (HA0) and cleaved isoforms of HA (HA1 and HA2) are indicated by arrows to the right of the gel. The positions (molecular mass [in kilodaltons]) of molecular size markers are indicated to the left of the gel.