FIG. 7.
The PKmut phenotype in 293 cells is partially rescued by the SV40 large T/small t combination. (A) 293 PKmut cells were transfected with BZLF1/BRLF1/gp110 expression vectors in the presence or absence of a vector expressing both large and small SV40 T antigens (p129 LTag [T/t]), a vector that only expresses the SV40 small t antigen [pRSV-t(t)], or a vector that only expresses the large T antigen [pRSVBneodl1440(T)]. Virus titers were quantitated after 3 days. Values are the average green Raji units per ml ± the standard deviation relative to cells transfected with BZLF1/BRLF1/gp110 (set as 1). (B) The level of BALF4 (gp110), BZLF1, BRLF1, large T antigen, and β-actin in the 293 PKmut cells transfected with various vectors in Fig. A was examined by immunoblotting. (C) 293 PKmut cells were transfected with BZLF1/BRLF1/gp110 expression vectors in the presence or absence of a vector expressing WT SV40 large T and small t antigen (T/t) or a T/t vector in which the pRB-binding domain of large T antigen has been mutated (8). Virus titers were quantitated after 3 days. Values are the average green Raji units per ml ± the standard deviation relative to cells transfected with BZLF1/BRLF1/gp110 alone (set as 1). (D) The levels of large T antigen, BZLF1, and β-actin in the transfected cells in panel C are shown.