Figure 8.
Retrograde tracing from NAc labels midline midbrain but not VTA LepRb neurons. The retrograde tracer FG was stereotaxically injected into the NAc of LepRbEGFP animals to determine the potential projection of VTA LeRb neurons to the NAc by colocalization of FG and EGFP immunoreactivity. A, B, Schematic diagram (A) and fluorescent image (B; red, FG; green, EGFP) of the NAc injection site in a representative animal. C, D, Distribution of FG- and EGFP-IR neurons in the VTA. Images below are digital zooms of the boxed areas showing (top to bottom) merged images, FG immunoreactivity, and EGFP immunoreactivity. Arrows indicate colocalized neurons. Red asterisks indicate the anterior commissure. Scale bars: B, C, 200 μm; insets, 25 μm. IP, Interpeduncular nucleus; ml, medial lemniscus; LV, lateral ventricle.