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. 1998 Aug 22;317(7157):505–510. doi: 10.1136/bmj.317.7157.505

Table 1.

Characteristics of study population according to any alcohol intake in women. Data based on information provided in first questionnaire (n=430). Figures are numbers (percentage) of subjects

Characteristic Alcohol intake in first cycle
No (n=120) Yes (n=310)
Alcohol intake in first cycle (drinks/week)
 Woman: 0 120 (28) 0
 1-5 0 193 (45) 
 6-10 0 74 (17)
11-15 0 28 (7) 
>15 0 15 (3) 
 Man: 0 33 (27) 9 (3)
 1-5 42 (35) 98 (32)
 6-10 30 (25) 83 (27)
11-15 7 (6) 60 (19)
>15 8 (7) 60 (19)
 Woman:No 87 (73) 216 (70) 
Yes 33 (27) 94 (30)
 Man:No 73 (61) 220 (71) 
Yes 47 (39) 90 (29)
Mother smoked during pregnancy
 Woman:No 69 (63) 161 (57) 
Yes 40 (37) 123 (43) 
 Man:No 73 (68) 161 (57) 
Yes 35 (32) 119 (43) 
Caffeine intake (mg/day)
 Woman:  0-299 71 (59) 164 (53) 
300-699 39 (33) 120 (39) 
>699 10 (8)  26 (8) 
 Man:  0-299 42 (35) 97 (31)
300-699 41 (34) 145 (47) 
>699 37 (31) 68 (22)
Length of menstrual cycle (days)
 <25 1 (1) 6 (2)
 25-35 88 (79) 243 (81) 
 >35 23 (20) 53 (17)
Sexual intercourse per cycle
 0 4 (5) 6 (2)
 1-4 18 (21) 55 (21)
 5-6 23 (26) 48 (19)
 7-10 22 (25) 93 (37)
 >10 20 (23) 53 (21)
Last method of birth control
 Oral contraception 47 (39) 99 (32)
 Other 73 (61) 211 (68) 
Woman’s body mass index (kg/m2)
 10-19 29 (24) 56 (18)
 20-24 58 (48) 192 (63) 
 >25 33 (28) 59 (19)
Age (years)
 Woman:18-24 57 (48) 97 (31)
25-29 58 (48) 185 (60) 
>29 5 (4) 27 (9) 
 Man: 18-24 23 (19) 40 (13)
25-29 72 (60) 185 (60) 
>29 25 (21) 84 (27)
Diseases in reproductive system
 Woman:No 108 (90)  282 (91) 
Yes 12 (10) 28 (9) 
 Man:No 109 (91)  275 (89) 
Yes 11 (9)  35 (11)
 West 61 (50) 170 (55) 
 East 59 (50) 140 (45) 
Union of recruitment
 Metal workers 66 (55) 17 (41)
 Nurses 21 (17) 127 (23) 
 Clerks 31 (26) 73 (30)
 Day care workers 2 (2) 93 (6) 
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure