Table 6.
List of mutations used in polymorphism mapping experiments.
Mutation | Phenotype | Linkage group based on phenotypic markers | Linked chromosome and polymorphisms | Mutation source |
lev(sy5440) | Lev-R, Unc | LGI (Cbr-lin-11) | 1 (bhP34) | Sternberg lab |
lin(bh25) | Egl, Lin, Unc | ? | 1 (bhP1, bhP29, cb650) | Gupta lab |
dpy(nm4) | Dpy | LGII (Cbr-unc-4) | 2 (bhP21) | Haag lab |
dpy(sy5148) | Dpy | LGII (Cbr-unc-4) | 2 (bhP21) | Sternberg lab |
dpy(s1272) | Dpy | LGIII | 3 (bhP12, bhP14, bhP18) | Baillie lab |
unc(sa972) | Unc, Sma | LGIII (dpy(s1272)) | 3 (bhP14, bhP18) | Thomas lab |
lin(bh20) | Egl, Vul | LGIII (dpy(s1272)) | 3 (bhP14, bhP38, bhP40) | Gupta lab |
unc(sy5422) | Unc | LGIV (unc(s1270)) | 4 (bhP9, bhP11, bhP15, bhP16) | Sternberg lab |
unc(sa997) | Unc | LGV | 5 (bhP24, bhP31) | Thomas lab |
unc(sy5415) | Unc | ? | 5 (bhP37) | Sternberg lab |
unc(sy5506) | Unc | LGX | X (bhP26) | Sternberg lab |
dpy(sy5001) | Dpy | LGX | X (bhP36, cb-m136, cb-m197, cb-m204) | Sternberg lab |
Mutations are arranged by linkage group (LG) that corresponds to respective chromosome. For locations of polymorphism, refer to Figure 3. The mutant phenotypes are - Lev-R: Resistant to 1 mM levamisole; Unc: Uncoordinated; Dpy: Dumpy; Egl: Egg-laying defective; Lin: Lineage defective; Sma: Small; Vul: Vulvaless. Question marks (?) refer to mutations that were not mapped by phenotypic markers.