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. 2010 Apr 16;11:242. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-11-242

Table 2.

Assembly and Map statistics for the Yersinia genomes.

454 Contigs Optical Map
Strain Coverage Count (>10 Kbp) N50 Size (Kbp) Size (Mbp) Fragments N50 Size (Kbp)

Y. kristensenii 29× 488 (50) 93 AflII: 4.63 350 5.5

Y. aldovae 25× 375 (83) 86 AflII: 4.30 360 11.4

Y. mollaretii 36× 1637 (74) 85 AflII: 4.93 397 19.0

NheI: 4.92 556 6.4

Y. fredriksenii 29× 1244 (46) 150 AflII: 5.34 467 24.7

NheI: 5.39 611 3.6

Y. bercovieri 26× 1219 (84) 59 AflII: 4.54 415 2.6

NheI: 4.50 591 13.9

Y. intermedia 35× 1242 (60) 124 AflII: 4.95 436 6.6

NheI: 5.06 537 10.2

Y. rohdei 22× 281 (59) 116 AflII: 4.65 413 11.3

NheI: 4.64 458 12.7

Y. ruckerii 36× 419 (63) 79 AflII: 3.90 142 29.6

NheI: 3.95 457 7.9

For the 454 contigs we report the average coverage of the contigs, the number of contigs (with large contigs in parentheses) and the N50 size. For the optical maps, we report the total size, number of fragments and N50 size of fragments for AflII and NheI based maps on seperate lines.