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. 2010 May 4;8(5):e1000365. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000365

Figure 2. dsxGAL4 driving UAS-induced fluorescent reporters recapitulates known patterns of gonadal dsx expression.

Figure 2

(A) dsxGAL4 expression is restricted to cells of the paired uncoalesced gonads in embryonic stage 13. The embryo posterior is marked by an asterisk, and native GFP fluorescence was imaged from the membrane reporter, UAS-mCD8::GFP. Scale bar, 100 µm. (B–C) Expression of dsxGAL4 in the male third instar larval gonad is restricted to somatic cells. Reporter is UAS-RedStinger (nuclear DsRed). (Bi) dsxGAL4-expressing cells include the clustered hub cells of the stem cell niche at the gonad apical tip (arrow), cyst cells dispersed throughout the gonad (barbed arrowhead), and terminal epithelial cells with small round nuclei at the basal end of the gonad (asterisk). A fat body cell nucleus is indicated (arrowhead). (Bii) dsxGAL4 expression (magenta) is excluded from the germline cells marked with cytoplasmic VASA (green). Scale bar, 50 µm. (C) Expression of the JFRC-IVSA membrane-bound GFP reporter (green) reveals sheath cell cytoplasmic processes ramifying through cysts of male germ cells in the basal half of the gonad. DNA of the large male germline cells is stained with DAPI (magenta). Gonad posterior indicated with an asterisk. Single confocal section shown. Scale bar, 20 µm. (D) dsxGAL4 expression in the female third instar larval gonad is restricted to somatic cells (magenta) and is excluded from the germline cells marked with cytoplasmic VASA (green). A fat body cell nucleus is indicated (arrowhead). Reporter is UAS-RedStinger (nuclear DsRed). Scale bar, 50 µm. (E) dsxGAL4 expression in hub cells of the stem cell niche at the apical tip of male the gonad was visualized with the JFRC-IVSA membrane-bound GFP reporter (Eii; green in Eiv). Processes of dsxGAL4-expressing cells enveloped germline cells marked with VASA (Ei; blue in Eiv), including the ring of germline stem cells adjacent to the hub (arrows). Expression in hub cells is confirmed by overlap with DN-Cadherin (DN-Cad) (Eiii; red in Eiv), which marks membranes of the hub cells (arrowheads). Overlap of membrane-bound GFP with DN-Cadherin is yellow in the merge (Eiv). Scale bar, 50 µm.