Eligibility Criteria
Age 3 to < 10 years
Amblyopia associated with strabismus (comitant or incomitant), anisometropia, or both, meeting the following criteria:
◆ Strabismic amblyopia: At least one of the following criteria must be met and criteria are not met for combined-mechanism amblyopia:
➢ Heterotropia at distance and/or near fixation on examination (with or without spectacles)
➢ History of strabismus surgery (or botulinum)
➢ Documented history of strabismus which is no longer present (and which, in the judgment of the investigator, is the cause of amblyopia)
◆ Anisometropic amblyopia: At least one of the following criteria must be met:
◆ Combined mechanism amblyopia: Both of the following criteria must be met:
Visual acuity, measured using the ATS single-surround HOTV protocol for subjects aged < 7 years and the E-ETDRS visual acuity testing protocol for subjects 7 to < 10 years using the Electronic Visual Acuity Tester, meeting the following criteria:
◆ Best corrected visual acuity in the amblyopic eye 20/40 to 20/80 inclusive (71 to 54 letters inclusive)
◆ Best corrected visual acuity in the fellow eye ≥ 20/40 (≥ 69 letters)
◆ Inter-eye acuity difference ≥ 3 logMAR lines (i.e., amblyopic eye acuity at least 3 lines by ATS-HOTV or at least 15 letters by E-ETDRS worse than the fellow eye acuity)
No amblyopia treatment other than spectacles used in the past six months prior to enrollment. Any treatment more than 6 months prior to enrollment is acceptable
Ocular examination within 6 months prior to enrollment
Cycloplegic refraction within 6 months prior to enrollment
Spectacles must be worn currently.
Spectacle correction for measurement of enrollment visual acuity must meet the following criteria and be based on a cycloplegic refraction that is no more than 6 months old.