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. 2010 May 1;375(9725):1545–1555. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60206-1

Table 2.

Estimates of incidence and number of new cases of RSV-associated ALRI and severe ALRI in children younger than 5 years from studies§ with active and passive case ascertainment, by GBD region

RSV-associated ALRI
RSV-associated severe ALRI
Incidence in children aged <1 year (per 1000 per year) Number of new cases in children aged <5 years in 2005 (×103) Incidence in children aged <1 year (per 1000 per year) Number of new cases in children aged <5 years in 2005 (×103)
Developing countries
Number of studies 6 (1) 6 (4) 4 (0) 4 (3)
Median estimate 78·5 (33–116) 66 (27–94) 15·5 (13·5–38·6) 7 (4–14)
Meta-estimate 74·2 (50·2–109·7) 59·1 (40–87·5) 22·3 (9·4–52·9) 8·3 (4·4–15·6)
Number of studies 1 1 10 (4) 10 (3)
Median estimate NA NA 15·4 (11–19) 4·7 (3–9)
Meta-estimate NA NA 16·4 (13·2–20·5) 5 (3·7–6·7)
Active and passive
Number of studies 7 (1) 7 (5) 14 (4) 14 (6)
Median estimate 53 (33–116) 48 (27–94) 15·4 (13–19) 4·7 (4–10)
Meta-estimate 68·4 (46·5–100·5) 54·6 (37·1–80·4) 17·9 (14·5–22·2) 5·6 (4·3–7·4)
Industrialised countries
Number of studies 0 0 0 0
Number of studies 1 1 15 (4) 15 (10)
Median estimate NA NA 18 (12–28) 4·7 (3–9)
Meta-estimate NA NA 19 (14·6–24·7) 5·5 (4·2–7·2)
Developing* 59·1 (40–87·5) 32512 5·6 (4·3–7·4) 3080·7
Industrialised 24 (19·8–30) 1301·7 5·5 (4·2–7·2) 298·3
Total 48·5 (31·4–74·9) 33813·7 5·6 (4·5–7) 3379

Data are number of studies (imputed number), median estimate (IQR), or meta-estimate (95% CI). References 35 and 36, Singleton et al, and the Epi study were excluded because these studies were of Indigenous populations in industrialised countries; references 19 and 38 excluded because of insufficient data. RSV=respiratory syncytial virus. ALRI=acute lower respiratory infection. GBD=global burden of disease.


Incidence estimates for RSV-associated ALRI based on the meta-estimate for active studies only and for severe ALRI on the meta-estimate for both active and passive studies.

Incidence for RSV-associated ALRI based on the estimate from one passive study only and incidence for severe ALRI on the meta-estimate from passive studies.

Total incidence for RSV-associated ALRI was calculated on the basis of the meta-estimate from active studies in developing countries plus the estimate from passive study in industrialised countries; total incidence for RSV-associated severe ALRI was on the basis of the meta-estimate from active and passive studies in developing countries plus the meta-estimate from passive studies in industrialised countries.