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. 2009 Dec;26(12):2383–2402. doi: 10.1089/neu.2009.1091

Table 3.

Overview of Psychotherapeutic and Rehabilitation Intervention Studies for Depression in Persons with TBI (n = 8)

Authors AAN evidence level Depression inclusion criteria Total no. TBI: n severity acuity Depression entry criteria Depression instruments Design and intervention Results and conclusions
Powell et al., 2002 I C 110 110
At least moderate TBI (PTA >24 h or neurosurgical intervention); nearly all had PTA >1 wk; majority had PTA >1 mo
3 mo–20 y post-TBI; median 1.37 y
No depression criteria
15% scored >13 on HADS pretreatment
BICRO-39 Psychological well-being subscale rated by participants and caregivers given to 75 participants
HADS given to 46 participants with sufficient cognitive ability
RCT with masked outcome assessment
Experimental = individualized, goal-planning-oriented multi-disciplinary team treatment in home or community setting, 2–6 h/wk for mean of 28 wk
Control = information condition; 1 home visit with individualized resource booklet
Primary outcome = Barthel Index and BICRO-39 at mean 2-y post-randomization; experimental > control on both measures (p < .005)
68% of experimental and 50% of control group improved on BICRO-39 psych subscale (p < 0.05)
50% of experimental and 54% of control group improved on HADS (ns)
McMillan, 2002 II C 145 145
TBI (any severity) with attention complaints or deficits on neuropsychological testing; mean PTA ∼1 mo
3–12 mo post-TBI
No depression criteria HADS RCT with masked outcome assessment
Experimental = attention control training: five 45-min sessions supervised practice using audio tape for 4 wk; daily independent practice with tape
Control 1 = physical fitness training with same amount of therapist contact and independent practice
Control 2 = no treatment, no therapist contact
Primary outcome not specified
No significant group differences were found on HADS or other measures. Pre-treatment HADS 7 ± 5 ACT group, 5 ± 4 exercise group, 5 ± 4 control group; post-treatment HADS 5 ± 4 ACT group, 4 ± 4 exercise group, 6 ± 5 control group
Tiersky et al., 2005 II C 20 20
Mild/moderate TBI (GCS >8, LOC ≤4 h); 40% had no LOC
At least 1 y post-TBI; mean 6 y
No specific depression criteria
Inclusion: complaints of emotional distress on SCL-90-R
SCL-90-R depression scale RCT with masked outcome assessment
Experimental = “comprehensive neuropsychological rehabilitation:” cognitive remediation (attention process training, memory notebook, problem solving) + CBT; two 50-min individualized sessions, w/daily 30-min homework, 3 × /wk × 11 wk
Control = wait list/attention control × 11 wk, with a total of 2 or 3 45-min contacts from primary investigator
Primary outcome = SCL-90-R GSI; experimental < control (p < .05)
Depression scale on SCL-90-R, experimental < control (p < 0.05)
Authors noted that post-treatment means remained above “caseness” levels
Anson and Ponsford, 2006 IV C 33 33
Mean PTA 32 d; ∼90% had PTA <1 wk
46 d–7 y post-TBI
No depression criteria HADS Pre-post-treatment design (data were pooled from two groups with different baselines)
Experimental = CBT-based coping skills group, 10 sessions (two 90-min sessions/wk) over 5 wk + homework assignments
Control = baseline phase × 5 wk
Primary outcome not specified
Change in HADS depression from pre- to post-treatment = ns (% change = 1.3 ± 41)
Authors reported that several variables correlated with higher percentage of improvement in depression (e.g., greater self-awareness, less severe injury, higher premorbid intelligence)
Bedard et al., 2003 IV C 13 13
Severity not noted
At least 1 y post-TBI
No depression criteria
Exclusion: “major concurrent mental illness,” suicidal ideation
BDI-II Pre-post treatment design
Experimental = weekly group × 12 wk based on mindfulness meditation
Control = none; data from three treatment drop-outs used as comparison group
Primary outcome not specified
Change on BDI-II pre- (18.4 ± 12.2) to post-treatment (9.7 ± 10.6) = ns
Group × time interaction for BDI-II approached significance (p = .06); treatment completers scored lower and treatment dropouts scored higher (worse) at follow-up
Gurr and Coetzer, 2005 IV C 20 20 (13 for 3-mo follow-up)
9 mild, 3 moderate, 8 severe
At least 6 mo post-TBI; range 7–474 mo
No depression criteria
Exclusion: “psychiatric conditions”
HADS Pre-post treatment design (data from a pretreatment baseline phase were presented but not analyzed)
Experimental = CBT-based treatment focused on headache management; three weekly relaxation groups +6 30-min individual sessions every other week + 1 follow-up session
Control = pre-treatment baseline × 10 wk (data presented but not analyzed)
Primary outcome = headache frequency and intensity; decreased after treatment
Change in HADS pre- (9.7 ± 4.1) to post-treatment (8.5 ± 4.6) = ns
Ownsworth, 2005 IV n/a 1 1
Severe TBI; coma 6 d; PTA 12 d
4.5 y post TBI
n/a DASS Case report with masked outcome assessment
13 weekly psychotherapy sessions with brain injury education and CBT skills with focus on defensive denial, plus attendance at three TBI group sessions
Primary outcome not specified
Pre-treatment depression on DASS extremely severe (34/42); 1 wk post-treatment depression in normal range (2/42)
Svendsen et al., 2004 IV C 143 38
Severity not noted; eight had “pure frontal injury” per neuroimaging
Acuity not noted
No depression criteria
Exclusion: “psychiatric or progressive neurodegenerative illness”
EBIQ Depression subscale completed by participants and relatives Pre-post treatment design
Experimental = interdisciplinary, holistic day treatment administered in “classes” of 16 participants; daily for 4 mo + 8 mo close monitoring in community
Control = none
Primary outcome not specified
EBIQ depression scores converted to z scores by comparing to uninjured controls; pre-treatment z = –1.1; post-treatment z = –0.5
Similar results for self and relative ratings
Authors notes that z scores changed significantly pre- to post-treatment, but remained worse than controls

Depression Inclusion Criteria

A. Prospectively enrolled depressed patients

B. Depressed patients retrospectively identified at baseline

C. Pre-post depression scores only, with no selection for depressed patients at baseline

ACT, Attention Control Training; GSI, General Symptom Index; AAN, American Academy of Neurology; DASS, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale; EBIQ, European Brain Injury Questionnaire; TBI, traumatic brain injury; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; BICRO-39, Brain Injury Community Rehabilitation Outcome-39 scales; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; LOC, loss of consciousness; SCL-90-R, Symptom Checklist-90-Revised; RCT, randomized controlled trial; PTA, post-traumatic amnesia; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; ns, not significant. n/a, not available; CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy.