Figure 4.
Vascular smooth muscle differentiation in single and compound heterozygous Tbx1 and Raldh2 mutant embryos. (A-H) Vascular smooth muscle (VSM) differentiation was followed by anti-αSMA on front sections through the pharyngeal region of embryos at (A-D) E10.5, and (E-H) E11.5. (A-D) Abnormally small 4th PAAs (asterisk in C) in Tbx1+/− (n=6) embryos at E10.5 were devoid of VSM staining, while weak staining was detected (asterisk in D) in Raldh2+/−,Tbx1+/− (n=8) embryos at the same stage. At E11.5 4th PAAs of (G) Tbx1+/− embryos had a thin and incomplete layer of VSM in the vessel wall (n=5), while normal VSM differentiation was observed in the 4th PAAs of (H) Raldh2+/−;Tbx1+/− embryos (n=6). (I-L) Immunofluorescent analysis of VEGFR2 of the 4th PAAs in front sections of (I) WT, (J) Raldh2+/−, (K) Tbx1+/− and (L) Raldh2+/−;Tbx1+/− embryos at E11.5. Insets show high magnification views of the 4th PAA (arrow) as indicated by the boxed areas in I-L. VEGFR2 was not affected in hypoplatic 4th PAAs (asterisk) in (K) Tbx1+/− and (L) Raldh2+/−;Tbx1+/− embryos. See Table 1 and Table 2 for details. l, left; r, right. Scale bars: 200µm (E through H); 500µm (I through L)