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. 2010 Mar 15;11(3):R31. doi: 10.1186/gb-2010-11-3-r31

Table 1.

Motifs identified in this work

Motif RNA? cis-reg? Switch? Taxa Rfam
6S-flavo Y N N Bacteroidetes RF01685

aceE ? y ? γ-Proteobacteria

Acido-1 y n n Acidobacteria RF01686

Acido-Lenti-1 y n n Acidobacteria, Lentisphaerae RF01687

Actino-pnp Y Y N Actinomycetales RF01688

AdoCbl-variant Y Y Y Marine RF01689

asd Y ? ? Lactobacillales RF01732

atoC y y ? δ-Proteobacteria RF01733

Bacillaceae-1 Y n n Bacillaceae RF01690

Bacillus-plasmid y ? n Bacillus RF01691

Bacteroid-trp y y n Bacteroidetes RF01692

Bacteroidales-1 Y ? ? Bacteroidales RF01693

Bacteroides-1 y ? n Bacteroides RF01694

Bacteroides-2 ? n n Bacteroides

Burkholderiales-1 ? ? n Burkholderiales

c4 antisense RNA Y N N Proteobacteria, phages RF01695

c4-a1b1 Y N N γ-Proteobacteria, phages

Chlorobi-1 Y n n Chlorobi RF01696

Chlorobi-RRM y y n Chlorobi RF01697

Chloroflexi-1 y ? n Chloroflexus aggregans RF01698

Clostridiales-1 y n n Clostridiales, human gut RF01699

COG2252 ? y n Pseudomonadales

Collinsella-1 y n n Actinobacteria, human gut RF01700

crcB Y Y Y Widespread, bacteria and archaea RF01734

Cyano-1 y n n Cyanobacteria, marine RF01701

Cyano-2 Y n n Cyanobacteria, marine RF01702

Desulfotalea-1 ? n n Proteobacteria

Dictyoglomi-1 y ? ? Dictyoglomi RF01703

Downstream-peptide Y y y Cyanobacteria, marine RF01704

epsC Y y y Bacillales RF01735

fixA ? y n Pseudomonas

Flavo-1 y n n Bacteroidetes RF01705

flg-Rhizobiales y y n Rhizobiales RF01736

flpD y ? n Euryarchaeota RF01737

gabT Y y ? Pseudomonas RF01738

Gamma-cis-1 ? y n γ-Proteobacteria

glnA Y Y y Cyanobacteria, marine RF01739

GUCCY-hairpin ? ? n Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria

Gut-1 Y n n Human gut only RF01706

gyrA y y n Pseudomonas RF01740

hopC y Y ? Helicobacter RF01741

icd ? y n Pseudomonas

JUMPstart y Y ? γ-Proteobacteria RF01707

L17 downstream element y y n Lactobacillales, Listeria RF01708

lactis-plasmid y ? n Lactobacillales RF01742

Lacto-int ? ? n Lactobacillales, phages

Lacto-rpoB Y y n Lactobacillales RF01709

Lacto-usp Y ? ? Lactobacillales RF01710

Leu/phe leader Y Y N Lactococcus lactis RF01743

livK y y ? Pseudomonadales RF01744

Lnt y y ? Chlorobi RF01711

manA Y Y y Marine, γ-Proteobacteria, cyanophage RF01745

Methylobacterium-1 Y n n Methylobacterium, marine RF01712

Moco-II y Y ? Proteobacteria RF01713

mraW y y ? Actinomycetales RF01746

msiK Y Y ? Actinobacteria RF01747

Nitrosococcus-1 ? n n Nitrosococcus, Clostridia

nuoG y y ? Enterobacteriales (incl. E. coli K12) RF01748

Ocean-V y n n Marine only RF01714

Ocean-VI ? ? ? Marine only

pan Y Y ? Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, δ-Proteobacteria RF01749

Pedo-repair y ? n Pedobacter RF01715

pfl Y Y Y Several phyla RF01750

pheA ? y n Actinobacteria

PhotoRC-I y y n Cyanobacteria, marine RF01716

PhotoRC-II Y y n Marine, cyanophage RF01717

Polynucleobacter-1 y y ? Burkholderiales, fresh water/estuary RF01718

potC y y ? Marine only RF01751

psaA Y y ? Cyanobacteria RF01752

psbNH y y n Cyanobacteria, marine RF01753

Pseudomon-1 y n n Pseudomonadales RF01719

Pseudomon-2 ? n n Pseudomonas

Pseudomon-GGDEF ? y ? Pseudomonas

Pseudomon-groES y y ? Pseudomonas RF01721

Pseudomon-Rho y Y n Pseudomonas RF01720

Pyrobac-1 y n n Pyrobaculum RF01722

Pyrobac-HINT ? y n Pyrobaculum

radC Y y ? Proteobacteria RF01754

Rhizobiales-1 ? n N Rhizobiales

Rhizobiales-2 y ? n Rhizobiales RF01723

Rhodopirellula-1 ? y ? Proteobacteria, Planctomycetes

rmf Y y ? Pseudomonadales RF01755

rne-II Y y N Pseudomonadales RF01756

SAM-Chlorobi y Y ? Chlorobi RF01724

SAM-I-IV-variant Y Y Y Several phyla, marine RF01725

SAM-II long loops Y Y Y Bacteroidetes, marine RF01726

SAM/SAH riboswitch Y Y Y Rhodobacterales RF01727

sanguinis-hairpin ? n n Streptococcus

sbcD y ? n Burkholderiales RF01757

ScRE ? y n Streptococcus

Soil-1 ? n n Soil only

Solibacter-1 ? n n Solibacter usitatus

STAXI y ? n Enterobacteriales RF01728

sucA-II y y ? Pseudomonadales RF01758

sucC Y Y ? γ-Proteobacteria RF01759

Termite-flg Y y n Termite hind gut only RF01729

Termite-leu y ? ? Termite hind gut only RF01730

traJ-II Y Y n Proteobacteria, Enterococcus faecium RF01760

Transposase-resistance ? y n Several phyla

TwoAYGGAY y n n Human gut, γ-Proteobacteria, Clostridiales

wcaG Y y y Marine, cyanophage RF01761

Whalefall-1 Y n n Whalefall only RF01762

yjdF Y Y Y Firmicutes RF01764

ykkC-III y Y y Actinobacteria, δ-Proteobacteria RF01763

Columns are as follows. "RNA?" : is this motif likely to represent a biological RNA? "Y" = certainly, "y" = probably, "?" = ambiguous, "n" = probably not, "N" = no. "cis-reg" : is the motif cis-regulatory? "switch?" : is the motif a riboswitch? Additional annotation and justification is in Additional File 2. "Taxa" : common taxon/taxa carrying this motif. Many motifs are discussed only in Additional file 1. "Rfam" : accession numbers of motifs that were submitted to the Rfam database for version 10.1. Note: consensus diagrams of some motifs were presented as supplementary data of a previous report [21] under simplified names: Acido-1 (previously ac-1), Dictyoglomi-1 (dct-1), Gut-1 (gt-1), manA (manA), Termite-flg (tf-1) and Whalefall-1 (wf-1).

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