FIG. 7.
In vitro studies using the rat Sbp2 R531Q, the equivalent mutation to the human SBP2 R540Q mutation identified in family A. Rat Sbp2 R531Q results in selective perturbations in SECIS interactions. (A) REMSA assay with in vitro translated rat Sbp2[517–777] or rat Sbp2[517–777,R531Q] using rat GPx1 and human Dio2 SECIS elements as probes. P, unbound probe; S, shift caused by the functional SBP2/SECIS interaction; *shift caused by interaction with endogenous protein in the lysate. (B) REMSA assay as above, using rat PhGPx and TR1 SECIS as probe. (C) REMSA with increasing concentrations of rat Sbp2[517–777] or Sbp2[517–777,R531Q], corresponding to a 24-fold range, with probes as indicated; wt, wild type. Arrow indicates the functional band, the lower band of the two. [Figure reproduced from Bubenik et al. (9) JBC 282: 34658, 2007, with permission from the authors and publisher].