A vernier was followed by an anti-vernier (a) which in turn could be
followed by an aligned vernier (b), a grating with 5 or 25 aligned
verniers (c, d), a metacontrast grating, or a light field (f). Gratings
lasted for 300 ms, verniers for 15 ms or 20 ms. The metacontrast grating
resulted from removing the central element in the 25-element grating. If
only the vernier and anti-vernier were presented, the anti-vernier
dominated performance, indicated by a value below 50%. For a single
aligned vernier or a 5-element grating no obvious dominance occurred,
whereas extended masks led to unmasking: the vernier dominated
(performance was above 50%). From Herzog, Lesemann, & Eurich
(2006) with permission from “Advances in Cognitive Psychology”.