Figure 9.
Summary statistics of monoptic vs. dichoptic masking responses in the LGN and area V1. Monoptic (black bars) and dichoptic (white bars) masking magnitude as a function of cell type: LGN, V1 monocular, V1 binocular (non-responsive to dichoptic masking), and V1 binocular (responsive to dichoptic masking) neurons. Inset shows the linear regression of dichoptic masking magnitude in V1 binocular neurons as a function of their degree of binocularity (all neurons plotted were significantly binocular as measured by their relative responses to monocular targets presented to the two eyes sequentially): BI of 0 indicates that the cells were monocular, while a BI of 1 means both eyes were equally dominant. Reprinted from Macknik & Martinez- Conde (2004b).