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. 2009 Oct 21;6(2):225–228. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2009.0744

Table 1.

GLMM analysis of the effects of the WBI, body condition and year on clutch size and hatch date in eiders (individual identity as random effect).

variable clutch size
hatch date
d.f. F-value p-value d.f. F-value p-value
intercept 1,466 12 504.01 <0.0001 1,469 79 040.64 <0.0001
wing bar 1,198 1.80 0.18 1,202 0.88 0.35
body condition 1,198 5.38 0.02 1,202 52.40 <0.0001
year 1,198 2.40 0.12 1,202 226.41 <0.0001