Dicalcin binding to gp41 increases exposure of gp41 to an external environment. A, a scheme that represents in vivo labeling of the VE with fluorescent dye, Cy5. Dejellied eggs were labeled with exogenously applied Cy5 in 0.3×MMR. B, after preincubation either with BSA (BSA) or dicalcin (Dica), labeled VE proteins were electrophoresed and fluorescent image was obtained, followed by CBB staining to quantitate the amount of each VE protein (asterisks). CBB, CBB staining of VE proteins; Fluorescent, fluorescent image of Cy5-labeled VE proteins. BSA, preincubated with BSA; Dica, preincubated with dicalcin. C, the ratio of the molar amount of labeled protein to the total amount existing in the preparation was calculated for each VE protein. The highest ratio for gp120, when preincubated with dicalcin, was set to 100% in each trial, and data were normalized. BSA, preincubated with BSA; Dicalcin, preincubated with dicalcin (n = 8–10; *, p < 0.02; **, p = 0.002).