Properties of single channel IMO in TRPA1- and TRPA1-TRPV1-transfected CHO cells. All recordings were performed in cell-attached configuration in voltage clamp mode. MO was applied for 30 s. A, representative traces of single channel IMO (25 μm) recordings at different holding potentials in CHO cells expressing TRPA1 (left panel) or TRPA1-TRPV1 (right panel) channels. The holding membrane potentials are indicated near the traces. c, the closed state. B and C, averaged I-V relationship for single channel IMO (25 μm) in CHO cells expressing TRPA1 (B) and TRPA1-TRPV1 (C). Black squares and open circles, major and subconductance states, respectively. n = 9–10. D and E, summary graph of Po for IMO (25 μm) at +60 and −60 mV in CHO cells expressing TRPA1 (D) and TRPA1-TRPV1 (E). Statistical analyses used the unpaired t tests; *, p < 0.05, n = 6–10. Error bars, S.E.