Stereoviews of monomer B: 2|F
o| − |F
c| electron density (gray) contoured at 1.3σ and |F
o| – |F
c| electron density (green) contoured at 2.5σ superimposed on residues (a) Ile33 and (b) Asp110 close to the rotation axis and (c) Glu234, (d) Glu236, (e) Phe176 and (f) Thr177 distant from the axis. Maps were phased using the coordinates of the A monomer and the higher occupied coordinates of B′ (cyan C atoms). The lower occupancy C atoms of B′′ are shown in yellow. Red, oxygen; blue, nitrogen. This figure was produced with PyMOL (DeLano, 2002 ▶).