Fig. 3.
In vivo expression of CMV-RFP following plasmid-coupled microbubble delivery and insonation with a modified IVUS catheter to a swine coronary artery following angioplasty. a Delivery was localized to the innermost cells of the LAD coronary artery. b Higher magnification of white box in a. Scale bar = 100 μm. c Gene transfection expressed as percent fluorescent cells in the treatment LAD compared to the control LAD and RCC. * p ≤ 0.013 (n = 3 slices, error bars represent standard deviation). Representative images: LAD, +angio, –IVUS (d); RCC, –angio, –IVUS (e); LAD, +angio, +IVUS (f); scale bars = 50 μm.