Survival rate and skin lesions. MRL/lpr-Thy1.1 mice were given weekly i.p. injections of PBS, control hamster IgG Abs (Hamster IgG), or 0.5 mg each of anti-CD79α and Anti-CD79β (AB) for 17 wk (Table II, Expt. I). A, Survival rate. p < 0.05 by χ2 test starting at week 14. B, Number of mice in each category of skin lesion during treatment. C, Number of mice in each category of skin lesion for those survived from treatment week 0 to week 11 (0, normal; 1, hair loss only; 2, skin inflammation). All mice were free of skin lesion at time of initiation of treatment. *, p < 0.05, significant difference between AB and control-treated groups by Fisher’s exact test.