Table 2.
Structure of the flavour battery (first part).
Pair No.a | Flavour pair |
Task 1: Same or different flavours? | Task 2: Usual (congruent) or unusual (incongruent) combination? |
Task 3: Which flavour is it? |
Jelly bean 1 | Jelly bean 2 | Flavour identification: word/picture matchb |
Close foil | Distant foil | Target | |||||
1 | Pickle | Pickle | S | – | Pepper | Mango | Pickle |
2 | Coconut | Coconut | S | – | Vanilla | Pepper | Coconut |
3 | Peppermint | Peppermint | S | – | Chocolate | Pear | Peppermint |
4 | Chocolate | Chocolate | S | – | Coffee | Watermelon | Chocolate |
5 | Licorice | Licorice | S | – | Chocolate | Lemon | Licorice |
6 | Chocolate | Peanut butter | D | C | Chocolate | Licorice | Peanut butter |
7 | Chocolate | Coffee | D | C | Chocolate | Watermelon | Coffee |
8 | Vanilla | Strawberry | D | C | Black currant | Pickle | Strawberry |
9 | Vanilla | Raspberry | D | C | Strawberry | Pepper | Raspberry |
10 | Cinnamon | Apple | D | C | Pear | Licorice | Apple |
11 | Orange | Lemon | D | C | Orange | Toffee | Lemon |
12 | Strawberry | Black currant | D | C | Strawberry | Licorice | Black currant |
13 | Watermelon | Mango | D | C | Watermelon | Chocolate | Mango |
14 | Mango | Orange | D | C | Mango | Peanut butter | Orange |
15 | Apple | Pear | D | C | Apple | Peppermint | Pear |
16 | Coffee | Watermelon | D | IC | Mango | Peanut butter | Watermelon |
17 | Watermelon | Cinnamon | D | IC | Apple | Strawberry | Cinnamon |
18 | Strawberry | Pepper | D | IC | Pickle | Coffee | Pepper |
19 | Lemon | Toffee | D | IC | Vanilla | Pickle | Toffee |
20 | Pickle | Vanilla | D | IC | Strawberry | Watermelon | Vanilla |
21 | Pear | Peppermint | D | IC | – | – | – |
22 | Mango | Pickle | D | IC | – | – | – |
23 | Pepper | Coconut | D | IC | – | – | – |
24 | Licorice | Apple | D | IC | – | – | – |
25 | Peanut butter | Licorice | D | IC | – | – | – |
Key: C, congruent (intended classification); D, different; IC, incongruent (intended classification); S, same. Identification task based on jelly bean 2 in each pair (shown in bold).
Pairs presented in randomised order.
Screen positions of target and foils randomised.