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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2010 May 7.
Published in final edited form as: Am Econ J Appl Econ. 2009 Oct 1;1(4):34–68. doi: 10.1257/app.1.4.34

Table 3.

Robustness Tests of Random Assignment

Panel A: Modified Randomization Test
Dependent Variable,X =
Ability (1) Driving Distance (2) Putts per Round (3) Greens per Round (4) Years of Experience (5) Length of Name (6)

Avg(X ), playing partners −0.017 (0.015) 0.002 (0.015) −0.002 (0.012) −0.004 (0.014) −0.010 (0.012) −0.013 (0.014)
Leave-me-out Avg( X ), urn −10.803 (1.629) −10.189 (1.210) −12.529 (1.653) −12.033 (2.665) −15.793 (3.795) −14.587 (1.364)
Tournament × Category F.E. Y Y Y Y Y Y
Leave-me-out urn mean included Y Y Y Y Y Y
R2 0.542 0.632 0.579 0.580 0.593 0.515
N 8801 8646 8646 8646 8646 8646
Panel B: Biased Randomization Test
Dependent Variable,X =
Ability (1) Driving Distance (2) Putts per Round (3) Greens per Round (4) Years of Experience (5) Length of Name (6)

Avg(X ), playing partners −0.087 (0.022) −0.081 (0.021) −0.071 (0.022) −0.080 (0.023) −0.050 (0.020) −0.063 (0.020)
Tournament × Category F.E. Y Y Y Y Y Y
Leave-me-out urn mean included N N N N N N
R2 0.254 0.382 0.163 0.251 0.167 0.035
N 8801 8646 8646 8646 8646 8646



Results from estimating equation (2).


Avg(Ability) is the average handicap of a player’s playing partners, as described in the text.


All specifications in Panel A include the average of all of the other players in your tournament-by-category urn (not including yourself). This control is necessary to produce a well-behaved randomization test.


Standard errors are in parentheses and are clustered by playing group.


All regressions are unweighted (unlike the specifications in the other tables), since the weighting is not appropriate for the randomization test.