Patterns of sequential calling in choruses, derived from first-order analysis in UNCERT. The numbers in italics on each pond diagram are the probability of that location (cluster) responding immediately after the most active location (cluster). Arrows represent the direction of interaction. The arrow that goes back onto itself shows the probability of the most active cluster (location) vocalizing immediately after itself. (A) Pond 1 on 6∕12∕05. The most active location on this night is location 6. The probability of the bullfrog at location 6 vocalizing immediately after itself is 0.7216. The bullfrog in location 6 was most likely to vocalize after the bullfrog in location 3 (0.5556), its farthest neighbor. Locations 1 and 2 were not included in the analysis, because the animals at these locations called only once during the recording session. (B) Pond 1 on 7∕5∕05. The chorus organization differed on this night than on the earlier night shown in (A). The animal in location 6 was absent from the chorus, and the most active location was now location 2. Numbers in italics show the probabilities that any bullfrog at location 2 followed the calls of any individuals at the other locations. The sequential probabilities of calling were similar to the three farthest neighbors (locations 5, 3, and 1) and lowest to the nearest neighbor at location 4. The bullfrogs in location 2 followed themselves with a probability of 0.3409. (C) Pond 2 on 7∕9∕06. The most active location at this night was location 1. Bullfrogs in this location followed themselves with a probability of 0.5347. The highest sequential probabilities of calling were to the farthest neighbors at locations 3 and 5.