Figure 2.
MMP-7 null infarcted LV showed lower levels of fibronectin by 2-DE and immunoblotting. (A) Fibronectin was identified in spot 17 and spot 23 of the 2-DE gels. Both spot 17 (B) and spot 23 (C) showed significant lower intensity in infarct LV of MMP-7 null mice compared to WT. (D) Immunoblotting of fibronectin in WT and MMP-7 null LV extracts were performed. The densitometry of the 273 kDa full-length (E) and the 166 kDa fragments (F) of fibronectin indicated both bands showed significantly lower intensity in MMP-7 null LV infarct when compared with the wt (p<0.05).