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. 2010 Mar-Apr;17(2):67–73. doi: 10.1155/2010/327650


Demographics, level of control, medication, environment and management for participants and dropouts

Characteristics Participants (n=197) Dropouts (n=69)
Age, years (mean) 8.5 8.9*
Male sex 64.0 58.0
Other medical problems 40.1 29.4
Any past asthma education 59.7 56.5
Level of control/severity
Impact of asthma
  Never 8.2 13.2*
  Rarely 73.0 52.9
  Frequently 17.3 33.8
  Seriously 1.5 0.0
Missed schools days in the past year, mean 3.4 4.3
Limited in nature of play 35.9 56.5*
Limited in amount of play 52.8 63.8
Mean asthma symptom score 6.8 8.0*
Unscheduled doctor visit in the past year 58.5 52.9
Unscheduled doctor visits, mean 1.5 1.3
Emergency department visits in the past year, mean 0.04 0.04
Cough in past 2 weeks
None 40.0 25.0
Mild to moderate 49.7 60.3
Marked to severe 10.3 4.7*
Wheeze in past 2 weeks
None 60.0 52.9
Mild to moderate 35.4 39.7
Marked to severe 4.9 7.4
Shortness of breath in past 2 weeks
None 57.4 41.2
Mild to moderate 37.4 51.5
Marked to severe 5.1 7.4*
Use of medication, environment and management
Used short-acting bronchodilators in past 2 weeks 38.1 42.0
Used inhaled steroids in past 2 weeks 63.5 68.1
Uses correct medication for quick relief 61.2 61.2
Uses correct medication to prevent symptoms 25.3 13.4*
Experienced side effects 36.5 42.6
Any smoke in home 25.1 44.9*
Hours of smoke exposure/week, mean 16.27 32.8*
Cat(s) in the home 15.3 29.0*
Have written action plan 26.0 18.8
Use peak flow meter 37.6 27.5
Avoid triggers 37.4 24.2*

Data presented as %, unless indicated otherwise.

