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. 2010 Jun;100(6):1095–1100. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2009.168690


Characteristics and Symptoms of Adolescent Participants Aged 12 to 19 Years (N = 1512): The Netherlands, 2007

Mean (SD) or No. (%)
Mean age, y 14.7 (1.21)
Male 764 (50.5)
Secondary school type
    Practical prevocational education 279 (18.5)
    Theoretical prevocational education 472 (31.2)
    Senior general secondary education 388 (25.6)
    Preuniversity education 373 (24.7)
Dutch or Western migrant ethnicity 1306 (86.4)
Music exposure
    Listens to music (in general) 1500 (99.2)
    Music through earphones 1410 (93.3)
    Portable music players (MP3 players) 1360 (89.9)
    Nonportable music players (home stereos) 718 (47.5)
    Discotheque visits (prior year) 1086 (71.8)
    Pop concert visits (prior year) 649 (42.9)
Hearing symptoms
    At least once in the prior month after listening to music through earphones 453 (30.0)
    At least once in the prior year after going to a discotheque 888 (58.7)