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. 1998 Oct 3;317(7163):917–921. doi: 10.1136/bmj.317.7163.917

Table 1.

Characteristics of 205 245 respondents and number reporting fair or poor health

Characteristic No (%) No (%) reporting fair or poor health
Male 85 505 (41.7) 11 222 (13.1)
Female 119 740 (58.3)  18 457 (15.4)
Smoking status:
 Smoker 46 859 (22.8)  7 972 (17.0)
 Non-smoker 157 901 (76.9)  21 606 (13.7)
 Information missing   485 (0.2)    101 (20.8)
Body mass:
 Obese 53 283 (26.0) 10 938 (20.5)
 Not obese 151 962 (74.0)  18 741 (12.3)
Health insurance coverage:
 Yes 179 872 (87.6)  25 484 (14.2)
 No 24 874 (12.1) 4 134 (16.6)
 Information missing   499 (0.2)    61 (12.2)
Health check up in past 2 years:
 Yes 166 903 (81.3)  25 852 (15.5)
 No 38 342 (18.7)  3 827 (10.0)
Self rated health:
 Excellent 50 452 (24.6)
 Very good 68 538 (33.4)
 Good 56 118 (27.3)
 Fair 21 231 (10.3)
 Poor 8 448 (4.1)
 Information missing   458 (0.2)
 1 person 50 395 (24.6) 10 798 (21.4)
 2 people 66 120 (32.2) 10 448 (15.8)
 3 people 35 044 (17.1)  3 780 (10.8)
 4 people 31 818 (15.5) 2 555 (8.0)
 5 people 13 925 (6.8) 1 200 (8.6)
 6 people  4 930 (2.4)    517 (10.5)
 ⩾7 people  2 755 (1.3)    350 (12.7)
 Information missing   258 (0.1)     31 (12.0)
 One adult, no children 50 395 (24.6) 10 798 (21.4)
 One adult and children 14 129 (6.9)  1 717 (12.2)
 Two or more adults and children 64 376 (31.4) 5 339 (8.3)
 Two or more adults, no children 76 345 (37.2) 11 825 (15.5)
 Any children 78 505 (38.3) 7 056 (9.0)
 No children 126 482 (61.6)  22 592 (17.9)
 Information missing   258 (0.1)     31 (12.0)
Annual income ($):
 <10 000 29 099 (14.2)  9 165 (31.5)
 10 000-14 999 18 516 (9.0)   4 329 (23.4)
 15 000-19 999 17 670 (8.6)   2 916 (16.5)
 20 000-24 999 18 760 (9.1)   2 412 (12.9)
 25 000-34 999 29 015 (14.1) 2 669 (9.2)
 35 000-49 999 30 781 (15.0) 1 929 (6.3)
 ⩾50 000 35 500 (17.3) 1 554 (4.4)
 Information missing 25 904 (12.6)  4 705 (18.2)
Gini coefficient
<0.320* 34 690 (16.9)  4 365 (12.6)
0.320-0.331 52 536 (25.6)  6 923 (13.2)
0.332-0.335 70 541 (34.4) 10 634 (15.1)
>0.335 47 478 (23.1)  7 757 (16.3)
Educational attainment
No school 1 504 (0.7)    326 (21.7)
Less than high school or no school 10 919 (5.3)   4 915 (45.0)
Some high school 18 032 (8.8)   5 508 (30.5)
High school graduate or equivalent 67 995 (33.1) 10 321 (15.2)
Some university or technical school 55 038 (26.8)  5 537 (10.1)
University graduate 51 295 (25.0) 2 950 (5.8)
Information missing   462 (0.2)    122 (26.4)
White 176 037 (85.8)  24 312 (13.8)
Black 17 346 (8.5)   3 517 (20.3)
Other 11 614 (5.7)   1 824 (15.7)
Information missing   248 (0.1)     26 (10.5)

States with the smallest inequalities in income. States with the greatest inequalities in income.