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. 2010 Feb 17;298(5):R1143–R1155. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00808.2009

Table 1.

Summary of the localization of connexin isoforms in the kidney

Cx Renal Localization Cell Type Species References
26 Proximal tubule* Epithelial Mouse 10
30 Distal nephron Epithelial Rat 80
Cortical CD, CNT Intercalated Mouse, rabbit, rat 80
30.3 ATL Epithelial Mouse, rabbit, rat 42,148
Cortical CD Intercalated Mouse, rabbit, rat 42,148
32 Proximal tubule* Epithelial Mouse 10
37 Arcuate artery; IA* VSMC Mouse 144
RA; AA Endothelial Mouse, rat 1,7,56,109
EA Endothelial Rat 121
Vasa recta Pericytes Rat 147
Vascular bundles Endothelial Mouse 144
Vascular pole Mesangial Mouse 52,56,144
JGA* Granular, mesangial Mouse, rat 56,69,121,144
Proximal tubule Epithelial Mouse, rat 118
TAL Endothelial Mouse, rat 118
DCT Endothelial Mouse, rat 118
CNT Principal cells > Intercalated Mouse, rat 118
CD Principal cells > Intercalated Mouse, rat 118
40 RA; Arcuate artery; IA; AA Endothelial Mouse, rat 1,38,52,56,129
Vasa recta Endothelial Rat 147
Vascular bundles Endothelial Mouse 144
Glomerulus Endothelial,* mesangial Mouse 52,56,144
JGA Endothelial,* granular, mesangial Mouse, rat 1,52,69,121,144
43 RA, AA Endothelial, VSMC* Mouse, rat 1,52,144
EA Endothelial Mouse 144
Peritubular capillaries Endothelial Mouse 144
Vascular bundles Endothelial Rat 3
Vasa recta Endothelial Rat 147
Renal veins Endothelial Mouse 69
Glomerulus Podocytes Human 103
Proximal tubule Epithelial Human 133,134
Inner medullary CD* Epithelial Rat 3,34
45 IA, AA VSMC Mouse 43,56,64,69,105
EA VSMC Mouse 43,56,64,69,105
Glomerulus Mesangial, podocytes Mouse 10,43,56,69,105
JGA Granular,* mesangial Mouse 43

ATL, ascending thin limb of the loop of Henle; AA, afferent arteriole; CD, collecting duct; CNT, connecting tubule; DCT, distal convoluted tubule; EA, efferent arteriole; IA, interlobular artery. JGA, juxtaglomerular apparatus; TAL, thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle; VSMC, vascular smooth muscle cell. >, Stronger than.


Conflicting localization data.

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