Fig. 3.
Composition of respired gas during each of the 3 main protocols. Top: hypercapnia protocol consisting of a 25-min period of euoxic hypercapnia preceded and followed by a 5-min period of euoxic eucapnia. Ventilation was spontaneous throughout. Middle: hypocapnia protocol consisting of a 25-min period of euoxic hypocapnia preceded and followed by a 5-min period of euoxic eucapnia. The volunteers undertook voluntary hyperventilation throughout. Bottom: control protocol consisting of a 35-min period of euoxic eucapnia. Ventilation was spontaneous throughout. Left: values during the determination of the maximum pressure difference across the tricuspid valve (ΔPmax). Right: values during the determination of cardiac output. Results show inspired Pco2 (PiCO2; triangles), inspired Po2 (PiO2; diamonds), end-tidal Pco2 (PetCO2; circles), and end-tidal Po2 (PetO2; squares). Closed symbols indicate periods of either hypercapnia or hypocapnia; open symbols indicate periods of eucapnia. Data are means for 12 subjects; error bars are ± SE. Note that, in the hypercapnia protocol, PiCO2 is close to 40 Torr during euoxic hypercapnia, which coincidentally is very close to PetCO2 before and after this period.