Input: initial state z, length τ of time interval, old boundaries
Input: initial state y, times t = (t0, ..., tr), error ϵ > 0, threshold δ > 0 |
Output: new boundaries
Output: probability vectors p0, ..., pr
1 for each branch i ∈ {1, ..., 2n} do
1 p0 = (1y)T; //start with probability one in y
2 x⟨i⟩:= z; //z is initial state of all branches
2 for j := 1 to r do
3 end
3 τj := tj - tj-1; //length of next time step
4 time := 0; |
//define Sjfor construction of Wj
5 Δ := step_size; //choose length of time steps
4 Sj := {x | pj-1(x) >δ}; |
6 while time <τ do
5 numStates := min(10, size(Sj)); |
7 for each branch i ∈ {1, ..., 2n} do
//choose numStates random states from Sj
//compare current state variables with boundaries
6 Aj := rand(Sj, numStates); |
8 for d = 1 to n do
7 b+: -∞; b- : +∞; //initial boundaries
9 if then
8 for each z in Aj do
10 ; //adjust upper bound
//run continuous determ. approximation
11 end
//on z and update boundaries
12 if then
9 (b+, b-) := ContDetApprox (z, τj, b+, b-); |
13 ; //adjust lower bound
10 end
14 end
11 Qj := generator (Sj, b+, b-); //construct Qj
15 end
//construct diagonal matrix for Wj (cf. Eq. (7)) |
16 for m := 1 to k do
12 Dj := diag(Sj, b+, b-); |
//choose more/fewer transitions of type Rm
13 ; //solve Eq. (7) |
//depending on branch i
14 end
17 κm := choose(αm(x⟨i⟩)·Δ, i); |
18 end
19 ; //update state (cf. Eq. (11)) |
20 end
21 time := time + Δ; |
22 end