L |
length of input sequences |
X = {X1, ..., Xn} |
the set of n input sequences |
w |
width of a MEME motif |
m = L - w + 1 |
number of positions for a site |
γ |
probability of a site in any sequence |
θ |
PSPM model of motif; |
P = {Pi,j} |
position-specific prior (PSP) |
width for which input PSP is defined |
Z = {Zi,j} |
missing information variables for i ∈ [1, n],j ∈ [-L, L] |
expectation of Z at EM iteration t
= Pr(Zi,j = 1|ϕ(t)) |
prior probability given PSP & model |
model parameters at EM iteration t
ϕ = {θ, γ, P} |
all sequence model parameters |