Fig. 1.
Progression of PAH demonstrated by echocardiography at baseline, and 21 and 35 days after MCT induction. Columns represent temporal phases (baseline, day 21, and day 35) and rows five different imaging windows: (1) high parasternal short-axis view is used to detect pulmonary artery flow by pulsed-wave Doppler, right ventricular remodeling by (2) apical four-chamber view, (3) parasternal long-axis, (4) parasternal short-axis views using B-mode (all end-diastolic), and right ventricular thickness by (5) parasternal long-axis through aortic valve using M-mode. Upper row demonstrates different types of pulmonary artery flow profiles regarding to the severity of pulmonary hypertension. Normal, round-shaped flow profile (baseline), intermediate type flow profile with a sharp peak at early systole, decreased acceleration time and increased deceleration (day 21) and triangular flow profile with mid-systolic notching (day 35). Apical four-chamber and both parasternal views show progressive right ventricular dilatation with concomitant decrease of left ventricle. Parasternal long-axis images through aorta using M-mode show progressing right ventricular hypertrophy