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. 1998 Oct 10;317(7164):982–984. doi: 10.1136/bmj.317.7164.982

Table 2.

Outcome after 32 months among 54 patients with major depressive disorder according to presence of severe deep white matter lesions on magnetic resonance imaging

Outcome Severe white matter lesions
Without severe white matter lesions
No (%) 95% CI (%) No (%) 95% CI (%)
Continuously well* 0 (0)   0 to 21 11 (27) 14 to 43
Recovered, one relapse and recovered 1 (8)   0 to 36  7 (17)  7 to 32
Continuously ill or recovered, relapsed and then remained ill 6 (46) 19 to 75 14 (34) 20 to 51
Demented/died 6 (46) 19 to 75  9 (22) 11 to 38
Total 13 41

Fisher’s exact probability test (two tailed) for comparison of good (continuously well) v bad outcomes (other categories) P = 0.048.