Table 3.
Factor loadings and congruent coefficients of the Italian PANAS with the American loadings (Watson et al., 1988).
PANAS descriptor | State |
Variable Congruence | Trait |
Variable Congruence | ||
PA | NA | PA | NA | |||
Determined (determinato) | .73 | .00 | .99 | .74 | −.10 | .99 |
Active (attivo) | .70 | −.03 | .99 | .68 | −.06 | .99 |
Interested (interessato) | .55 | −.15 | .99 | .65 | −.03 | .99 |
Attentive (attento) | .63 | −.16 | .97 | .65 | .02 | .97 |
Enthusiastic (entusiasta) | .70 | −.08 | .99 | .64 | −.15 | .99 |
Concentrating (concentrato) | .58 | −.19 | .99 | .61 | −.04 | .99 |
Strong (forte) | .58 | .03 | .99 | .60 | −.22 | .99 |
Inspired (ispirato) | .66 | −.04 | .95 | .59 | .04 | .99 |
Excited (eccitato) | .53 | .14 | .90 | .58 | .14 | .94 |
Proud (orgoglioso) | .62 | .18 | .99 | .54 | .09 | .99 |
Afraid (impaurito) | −.08 | .73 | .98 | −.06 | .75 | .99 |
Upset (turbato) | −.04 | .67 | .99 | −.08 | .75 | .99 |
Nervous (nervoso) | −.03 | .78 | .99 | .07 | .75 | .99 |
Jittery (agitato) | .06 | .80 | .99 | .03 | .75 | .99 |
Scared (spaventato) | −.12 | .70 | .99 | −.07 | .73 | .99 |
Distressed (angosciato) | −.05 | .69 | .99 | −.11 | .73 | .99 |
Guilty (colpevole) | −.02 | .49 | .98 | −.05 | .59 | .99 |
Ashamed (vergogna) | −.02 | .47 | .99 | −.15 | .58 | .99 |
Irritable (irritabile) | .02 | .62 | .96 | .09 | .56 | .92 |
Hostile (ostile) | −.01 | .53 | .99 | .06 | .52 | .97 |
Factor/total congruence | .98 | .97 | .97 | .98 | .99 | .98 |
Note. Italian translations are given in parentheses. PA = Positive Affect; NA = Negative Affect. Loadings over.40 are given in boldface.