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. 2009 Nov 11;35(3):692–701. doi: 10.1038/npp.2009.177

Table 1. Main Effects of Session, Cue, and Their Interactions, on Brain Response.

ANOVA Post hoc t-test         MNI Coordinates
Main effect Direction Region Laterality Cluster size (mm3) Z score (x, y, z)
Session PBO>ALC Middle occipital gyrus R 10 040 5.40 46 −82 0
      L 504 3.60 −28 −92 6
      L 144 3.50 −38 −72 18
    Cuneus L 304 4.64 −24 −100 26
      R 720 3.87 20 −94 32
      R 408 3.85 14 −104 18
      R 1232 3.68 2 −92 6
      R 392 3.61 4 −72 12
    Precuneus L 2392 4.26 −14 −88 48
    Fusiform gyrus L 8024 4.22 −36 −60 −16
    Superior frontal gyrus/mPFC R 3000 4.00 8 64 2
      M 856 3.47 0 62 32
    Postcentral gyrus L 200 3.52 −30 −24 44
    Parahippocampal gyrus R 112 3.77 22 −44 4
      L 104 3.44 −16 −16 −10
    Gyrus rectus/OFC R 376 3.74 6 58 −16
    Superior frontal gyrus/OFC R 544 3.50 2 36 −10
    Cerebellum R 208 3.63 30 −32 −32
    Posterior cingulate gyrus L 184 3.49 −14 −36 26
    Inferior frontal gyrus L 184 3.39 −44 28 4
    Superior occipital gyrus L 160 3.30 −10 −104 12
  ALC>PBO Middle frontal gyrus R 2304 4.65 38 16 50
    Superior frontal gyrus R 488 3.76 8 28 48
    Postcentral gyrus R 1432 3.79 60 −30 50
    Cerebellum L 136 3.65 −10 −44 −18
    Ventral striatuma L 384 3.63 −18 16 −8
      R 232 3.54 16 16 −6
    Middle temporal gyrus L 88 3.30 −52 −48 10
Cue S>C Middle frontal gyrus/DLPFC R 680 3.86 36 38 38
      L 616 3.84 −32 38 34
    Anterior cingulate gyrus R 184 3.59 2 32 6
    Posterior cingulate gyrus R 152 3.43 8 −30 50
  N>C Inferior occipital gyrus R 1336 3.74 26 −96 −6
      L 248 3.26 −26 −98 −16
    Fusiform gyrus R 344 3.60 28 −36 −22
Interaction (ALC C & PBO S)>(ALC S & PBO C) Middle frontal gyrus L 640 3.99 −20 18 44
    Mid cingulate gyrus R 1256 3.94 12 −10 42
      R 224 3.55 12 8 36
    Precentral gyrus R 2968 3.90 26 −28 58
      L 232 3.33 −22 −26 58
    Cerebellum L 184 3.69 −28 −70 −40
    Putamen L 104 3.28 −24 0 0

ALC, alcohol; PBO, placebo; S, smoking; C, control; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; mPFC, medial prefronal cortex; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; MNI, Montreal Neurologic Institute.


A priori region of interest in bold; Significant at p<0.05, false discovery rate (FDR)-corrected for multiple voxel-wise comparisons across the entire brain. All other activations shown at p<0.001 (uncorrected) with a cluster extent threshold of at least 10 contiguous voxels.